Baseball Promotions: On & Off the Field

Posted by Kelly Grindle on Feb 27, 2019 9:10:29 AM

“Take me out to the ball game. Take me out to the crowd!”  This song is an all-time favorite for all ages, but I think everyone is ready to “root, root, root for the home team” this year!

Opening Day for Baseball is the earliest in history, so someone was listening to our prayers. Get yourself ready for March 28th because it’s going to be a busy day. All 30 teams play on this day, so are you looking for promotions for on-field or even off-field entertainment? We have just the ones for you! Here we go:

Grand Slam Inning Promotion

This is one of our most popular on-field promotions! This contest allows you to maximize fan engagement by allowing fans to get involved in what is happening. Here’s where you come in! You'll have a sponsor designate an inning for the game and/or season.

If the home team hits a Grand Slam in that inning during the game, then one lucky fan will win the Grand Prize of an all expense paid trip to the playoffs (or a prize of their choice)!


Bark in The Park

Do you love baseball and spending time with your furry friend? We are definitely in! Here's how it works: invite your fans to bring their dogs to the ball park.

Place 100 numbered tennis balls in the outfield at the end of the game and allow the dogs to "fetch" a ball. If the ball matches the winning number, the lucky owner will be the winner of $10,000!


Hole in One on The Field

Yes, you read that correctly! Plus - this baseball promotion is BRAND NEW  to GPP and joins together two different sports for some on-field fun! The object of the game is to shoot a regular golf ball into a cup on the field. If the contestant makes it into the cup, they become the next big winner! Need more information now? Check out our information flyer today!


Starting Line-up List

This contest is another great option for multiple industries. Get your customers excited about Baseball Season with this winning list! Have your customers place the 9 starting baseball players in order. If their starting line-up list matches the winning list, they can win big bucks and a trip to the playoffs!

Love these ideas and want more? Our 2019 Baseball Catalog is ready for download today! Click HERE for download instructions.

Remember that every promotion can be customized to you and your business, so the sky is the limit! We also have our creative service department on staff and ready to design brand new baseball promotions with you.

Our goal is to prepare you for the season to come with baseball promotions that are guaranteed to get fans and customers excited about your events and, in turn, boost revenue for you and your sponsors! Let us help you get to the next level in your sales bracket today!

Contact us at 855.231.1329 or email us at to get started! Or - click the button below to receive a hassle-free, online quote today!

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Topics: Promotions, Deals, Baseball