Top 5 Promotional Events to Consider This Spring

Posted by Kelly Grindle on Apr 18, 2022 10:28:00 AM

Many businesses do not think of springtime as a major shopping season, since many people prefer to spend their time outside enjoying the weather. However, this period inspires unique shopping trends, with people being engaged in varying activities, from spring cleaning to prom. While spring promotion initiatives do not have to be as time-consuming or hectic as winter holiday preparation, your brand could certainly benefit from introducing a fun and casual promotional initiative this season. 

This is also a fantastic opportunity to prepare for the rest of the year. So with that being said, what are the greatest spring promo events to showcase your brand and ensure you have a successful start to the year? We've listed out a few options that could work for your brand.

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Topics: Winners, Radio, Grand Prize Promotions, Promotions, Event Tips

Why Radio Promotions Are Still a Winner in the Business World Today

Posted by Kelly Grindle on Apr 4, 2022 9:41:00 AM

Even though the digital world appears to be shifting to online media, radio promotions continue to impact businesses today. Statistics show that radio advertising amounted to approximately 27.9 billion U.S dollars. This means that radio is a highly regarded tool that organizations will continue to use in the future. Read on to learn why radio promotions remain relevant in today's business world.

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Topics: Winners, Radio, Grand Prize Promotions